Geelong Motoring Enthusiasts Inc
powered by TidyHQClub Permit
Club Permit
We are a Victorian-based car club. The Club Permit Scheme (CPS) is administered by VicRoads. As a VicRoads approved Club, we can only add vehicles for club registration in Victoria. We are unable to assist with Permits in other states.
Under the Scheme:
- Victoria’s Club Permit Scheme allows members of vehicle clubs that are recognised by VicRoads to make limited, non-commercial use of eligible historic vehicles on the road network.
- Click to read the full details of the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme.
- VicRoads may suspend or cancel a permit if you cease to be a financial member of Geelong Motoring Enthusiasts Inc, or if your car becomes unsafe for use on public highways.
- NOTE: Given the significant benefits and modest fees of the CPS, abuse of the scheme could result in far-reaching implications for the individual, the Club, and, the permit scheme in general, such as:
- Fines for driving an unregistered vehicle;
- Loss of an individual’s Club Permit;
- Loss of the Club’s authority to operate the CPS;
- Cancellation of the CPS for all enthusiasts.
- It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with your obligations under the Scheme.
Which vehicles are eligible?
- Veteran – manufactured before 1 January 1919;
- Vintage – manufactured after 31 December 1918 and before 1 January 1931;
- Classic and Historic vehicles – manufactured after 31 December 1930, but compliance plated more than 25 years before the date of the application for a club permit (The day is always assumed to be the LAST day of the compliance month).
- Includes cars, motorcycles, trailers, trucks, and some other modified vehicles such as street rods.
- Replicas of vehicles in the above-mentioned categories may also be eligible.
- Click to read the full details of the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme.